The World of Antique Buttons; Basics education courtesy of the National Button Society
Kendall Clark, interim Publicity Chair from the National Button Society, writes ” a new presentation available to all members and clubs that is both visually rich and full of little historical nuggets to serve as an introduction to antique buttons. It comes complete with full speaker notes. I thought this might be a neat way to celebrate Button Day by spreading the joy of buttons. But this could be used anytime! The presentation is geared to non-collectors (soon to be collectors!) and the beginning collector, or anyone who’s interested in art, history, fashion and sewing. Please take a look at it and ponder how your club might put it to use.
Here are some things to consider:
1) It’s intended to run, narrated, about 45 minutes, allow additional time for questions/discussion.
2) Copy the PowerPoint file to your desktop and use PowerPoint to make any edits to the presentation and/or notes you wish. Powerpoint is used to design presentations with content including slides, manual or automated timed slide advance, audio, video, speakers notes, participant note forms and more. As much or as little as the creator desires can be used
3) The file is BIG. So you you usually utilize desktop or laptop computer and preferably a projector or large TV screen.
4) For those less familiar with PowerPoint, know that when you select VIEW from the Powerpoint top toolbar, you can select NOTES PAGE to see the written notes. To view as SLIDE SHOW, select that from the top toolbar and then select FROM BEGINNING. When you view the presentation as a slide show you get the visual effects. But if you have two PowerPoint screens open at the same time, one can be on the notes pages view to follow the narrative while you watch the slide show on the other window.
5) Or, print notes first, then read long with the slideshow. Advance by hitting ENTER, return to normal screen by hitting ESC. “
6) After you use the presentation, please come back to this page and click on the Feedback button to answer a short 5 question survey. (Fill in the form below)