Greetings & Welcome

Your portal for button information, membership, and BSBS governance.
“Home/About” above has information on the Buckeye State Button Society, collecting buttons, and contact information for the BSBS officers, editor, membership, and webmaster. You will also find the recently updated constitution and by-laws.
“Shows/Clubs” has the schedule and registration information for the next show “A Garden of Flowers” which will be held on April 3-6, 2025. Also see the list to join one of our local clubs.
“Education & Information” Explore this section for a plethora of button help and information.
“Competition” contains lots of information if you want to compete. In particular see “Award Requirements/All Years/2025” to view the competition categories for 2025. Need a button fix? Select “Winning Trays” and dream.
“Membership” Membership information form for Regular and Junior members. Note: You do NOT need to be an Ohio resident to join us. Deadline is October 31st.
“Blog” contains the latest information, check here often.
“Contact” Your place to request information, volunteer, or provide suggestions. We’d love to hear from you!