
News and Events, President's Message

Awards for 2024 Show Published

Our new website up and running Live. The 2024 awards unveiled in the Spring 2023 Bulletin are also listed here on the newly revamped website, along with new sorting tools that allow you to look at past winning trays or specific aspects of interest to you. Both of these new items are for members to enjoy. We will discuss these at our 2023 show, and local clubs may want to discuss these features, as well.

Correction to Award 29

For those who are already planning or working on trays for 2024, please note there is one change posted and that is only on award #29. If you downloaded or copied award requirements prior to April 20, 2023; you need to download again with the corrected version which is now available. Sorry for any inconvenience.

“The Blog”

The blog item on our main menu takes you to a new feature different from our old website. A Blog, much like Facebook, Quora to name just a few offered on the internet, is an electronic bulletin board where “posting” is like pinning up a note or flyer. In the future, the public (or just our members (if we set that up) can add new messages of interest. For now the Webmaster will handle posting on behalf of the BSBS of officer who eventually can learn to do this on their own. To avoid hacking or spam, for now we have turned off the ability for public comments. Eventually like the old Guestbook of our website, we will install a moderated comment feature where our Webmaster will need to review anything people have added to decide it is appropriate content before it will actually show on the site or not.

For the time being, you can write questions or comments by directing them via email to . We will answer directly to you or have the appropriate party do so.
