President’s Message

President's Message

LATEST NEWS! Spring Show 2023 was held hosted by the Akron Club and it was a terrific, fun few days and quite successful. A big thank you for so many who volunteered in helping this all come together. The bidding on the donated auction items was generous as well. We had over 150 trays submitted and over 90 award winners!

You are viewing our brand-new redesigned web site which includes some new features like button searches, a new look and you will find it right here at Our site features clear photos and information for every winning tray since 2006. That’s around 50,000 buttons to look over and computer search through! Some poke box.

You can contact 1 or more Board members via forms here on comments or questions. The system sends these to the appropriate person who can than reply to you privately.  See the top menu About/Governance/Officers Feel free to write me directly at for more information and most importantly have fun.

Laurel Weinberg
President, Buckeye State Button Society

Laurel Buttons license plate
Love my Buttonz plates
