Ohio membership year is from January to December with dues paid by October 31st.
Dues are only $25.00 for Adult Membership and $5.00 for Juniors. Consider becoming an Ohio Booster with an additional $5.00 (or more) and help support our Society.
The Buckeye State Button Society Bulletin is published in spring, summer, and winter every year and sent to each member. Participation of Members is always encouraged! Submit articles, ideas, and club news to the Editor.
Below you will find a form you can review, download or printout so you can fill it in and mail with membership payment. Look for the little printer icon on the top bar.
Further down is an automated form you may choose to complete, which sends your details via email directly to you and the membership chair for processing. However, regardless of form used, payment for now needs to be sent via US mail.