Greetings & Welcome

Buckeye (Ohio) State Button Society
Hello to Button collectors in Ohio and beyond! Welcome to the Buckeye State Button Society (BSBS) website.
Whether this is your first visit or you have been here before, please spend some time looking around. We have added the photos of the 2023 winning trays. (Find these under the Competition / Winning Trays menu.)
If you would like to try competing in the 2024 Show, we have published the Awards list you can start on. (Find these under the Competition / Awards menu.)
Entering the competition is fun and rewarding whether you win or not. The plus is learning about the buttons you have, or want to buy in the future. Please consider joining the State society, or even local clubs. Joining the state entitles you to three issues of our full-color bulletin and the privilege of competing at our Spring Show. Dues are $25 each year for adults and Juniors are $5.
Take care and stay safe – COVID is still out there!
LATEST NEWS! Spring Show 2023 was held hosted by the Akron Club and it was a terrific, fun few days and quite successful. A big thank you for so many who volunteered in helping this all come together. The bidding on the donated auction items was generous as well. We had over 150 trays submitted and over 90 award winners!
Our next big event is the reveal of our brand new redesigned web site which will include some new features, a new look and you will find it right here at ohiobuttons.org by the end of April 2023. Check out the new “Blog” section. Please be aware that a few bugs may remain; we will do our best to correct any. Also we will have a temporary slow down in processing emails out to officers and club contacts. Please allow a couple of days for any expected responses.

Buckeye State Button Society